Wow, I am blown away by an article I just read from Peter F.
Drucker, considered by many the foremost mind on business management of the last
100 years. The article was titled "The Obsolete Theory," emphasising you cannot
rejuvenate an obsolete theory of business, one that is no longer applicable, not
even through miracle workers.
This is not what moved me. it was the subtitle to his article,
which read, "a degenerative disease will not be cured by procrastination, It
requires decisive action."
Wow. What a powerful truth and deep insight. He was, of
course, referencing a degenerative business philosophy when using this analogy.
But it is equally true as it applies to degenerative disease or
Many people want the medication or surgery to cure them of
arthritis. It can't. It won't. It doesn't. Inactivity never will. Only decisive
action can.
And that's exactly what I have been saying to clients for over
a decade. Take action with your arthritis, do what works to create the healing
that is possible... then you don't need the miracle workers... you become
And that's what we teach you in the Arthritis Solution. Check
out the program at:
I look forward to seeing you there.
Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis
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