Sunday, 23 June 2013

Is there a natural arthritis cure?

The Concise Oxford dictionary defines cure as, “restore to health; remedy; course of medical or other treatment, success with.” Generally speaking, people also feel a cure relates to relieving a person (or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition and is also viewed as a means of healing or regaining health.

By these definitions there must be a cure for arthritis, as there are many people who have experienced symptomatic relief and been restored to health, overcoming suffering from arthritis. Equally, many of these people have achieved these using natural treatment methods, thereby providing natural cures.
While this is promising and a positive position for arthritis sufferers, I want to go deeper than the implication that there is an arthritis cure.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Holistic Definition of Health

Holistic health consists of physical, mental and spiritual health. Physical health is anything related to your physical body. It is the result of optimal digestion, detoxification, and function of your organs and tissues, right down to the level of individual cells. 

When you are in a state of health on a physical level, you feel dynamic, full of energy and free of any physical symptoms. When there is an imbalance on this level, physical symptoms and diseases start to occur. 

Emotional health is defined by an ability to freely express your emotions and have meaningful social interactions. You have positive emotions, which are translated into a deep inner level of joy, contentment, confidence and assurance. You are motivated and feel ready to meet everyday challenges and express yourself in a creative manner. When there is an imbalance on this level you may start experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and other mental/emotional symptoms.

Your spiritual level refers to the deepest part of you; that part that gives you the sense of who you are and allows you to find the meaning of your life. When you experience spiritual health you have a clear vision of the purpose of your life and, consequently, set up goals and get motivated to achieve them. You also create your very own system of values and beliefs. 

When there is an imbalance on this level, you may think that life is worthless and feel a profound separation from yourself and others; you may be judgmental, unforgiving and often display narcissistic, selfish patterns. 

Consider this when considering our health!

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Monday, 10 June 2013

The Aging Process

As we age it seems that the functions and physiological reactions of the body start to slow down and that, as a result, degenerative changes occur. When this occurs in the bones, we have arthritis. Let’s look at osteoarthritis from this perspective—as a typical degenerative condition.

As we grow older, bones suffer modifications of their shape, degree of calcification and structure. The cartilages start to wear down and the joint space (the space between two bones) will progressively narrow. In advanced cases there is a complete loss of the cushioning cartilage. Bone spurs and scleroses (hardening of the joint tissue) are also present, caused by chronic inflammation and destruction of the cartilages.

These changes lead to symptoms such as pain, inflammation and limited mobility. At first glance you may say that arthritis simply affects the joints—in other words, your physical health. But is this really true? Let’s see. 

You are unable to move freely so you start exercising less. You have difficulty managing your work and house chores, and start spending more time alone rather than socialising with your family and friends. The pain deeply affects your thoughts and emotions so you become unhappy and start to neglect your goals and dreams. When you are in pain the last thing that comes into your mind is to find or pursue your purpose in life!  

The conclusion is simple: physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health are all connected. You have to be healthy at all levels in order to experience true wellness.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Friday, 17 May 2013

The Arthritis Solution #1 on Amazon

Thank you to everyone for your support.

The Arthritis Solution made it to #1 on Amazon in the Healing and Pain Management subcategories. With great reviews, a mass of downloads, The Arthritis Solution is changing lives!  

The Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute website also has great content and videos to help with you arthritis suffering.

I look forward to seeing you there,

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Solution 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The Arthritis Solution FREE

Last day to get your copy of The Arthritis Solution FREE:

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Saturday, 11 May 2013

My Gift To You - The Arthritis Solution

I’m excited to tell you that this weekend I’m re-releasing my new book “The Arthritis Solution; Proven Strategies to Prevent, Manage and Reduce the Pain of Arthritis on Amazon Kindle. As a celebration and as my gift to you, I am making this book available to you free of charge for the next 5 days.
I would truly love if you would download my book and forward the link below to your family and friends that may also benefit from this book. I also ask that you provide a review.
Please help me to get this to the No. 1 ranking on Amazon by getting as many downloads as possible. You may not wish to read my book now, but it will help me to help other people just in you downloading my book, which improves its ranking on Amazon.
You don’t need a kindle to download this book for free. Simply click on the computer eBook reader instead of the Kindle after purchasing.
Here’s the link to The Arthritis Solution;
I hope you enjoy my latest work as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it!
Kind regards,
Marcus Chacos
Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute 

Heal and Rejuvenate Naturally

Natural medicine, also known as alternative or complementary medicine, is a group of healthcare systems, practices and products that are not part of conventional medicine. At its highest level it delivers wellness care—an integrated approach to the body that incorporates therapeutic treatment, lifestyle change and education.

There are four branches of natural medicine, although most of the natural therapies fit into more than one category. Some are based on a structural approach, such as chiropractic and osteopathy. Other systems, such as diet, naturopathy and herbalism, use natural products and dietary changes to alter the physiology of the body, while still others work on the body energetics; for example, homeopathy and acupuncture. And finally, practices such as yoga, meditation and hypnosis are primarily focused on relaxing the mind and connecting it with the physical body.

Millions of people all around the world are turning to natural medicine because it offers a safer, yet effective, alternative to conventional drugs and surgery. Perhaps the most important aspect of natural medicine is the fact that it uncovers your own healing potential, rather than just suppressing your symptoms.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Rediscover Your Inner Healer

You were born with the ability to self-heal. This process, called homeostasis, is defined by the tendency of an organism or cell to regulate its internal conditions—usually by a system of feedback controls—enabling it to stabilise health and functioning, regardless of outside influences.

For example, your body is able to maintain the optimal internal temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius. If it is hot or you have a fever, you will sweat to cool off. Conversely, you might shiver when you are cold to produce heat. Pain is another symptom that tells you that something is not working the way it should and that your body is endeavouring to get back into balance.

While this process of homeostasis is acknowledged by both mainstream and alternative medicine, the approach to keep your body maintaining its balance is different between the two. In mainstream medicine, drugs are used to suppress symptoms. In wellness care, remedies are used to support the body’s healing activities and a return to homeostasis.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Arthritis and Homeopathy

Homeopathy uses all-natural ways of healing the body without using drugs or surgical means. The following homeopathic remedies have been found to help people with arthritis:
  • Aconitium: Useful for those suffering from arthritic pain, along with fever, restlessness, and anxiety.
  • Apis mellifica: Used to treat pain that is caused by inflammation of the joints.
  • Arctium: Helps relieve pain in the hand and foot joints.
  • Arnica montana: Often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Belladonna: Helps relieve the body of pains that appear suddenly.
  • Berberis vulgaris: Mainly used to relieve chronic knee pain.
  • Sulphuricum: Helps relieve pain of arthritis that occurs at night.
These substances are only a small portion of what homeopathic practitioners use to treat arthritis. While you can use these remedies without practitioner guidance, it is always recommended to see a qualified homeopath and use a low potency remedy, such as 30c potency on an infrequent basis (once per day at most).

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Arthritis and Good Nutrition

Arthritis can be helped—if not prevented. It all starts with learning what is good to eat and what to avoid. We’ve already discussed avoiding pro-inflammatory foods. It makes sense then, that what you need to eat is anti-inflammatory foods.

You can start with omega-3 fatty acids. These are the healthiest fats for people with arthritis to eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils, which have a lubricating and anti-inflammatory effect and have been shown to reduce or eliminate pain. The next oil option is extra-virgin olive oil, which contains a natural compound called olecanthal. This compound has been known to prevent arthritic conditions from developing.  

Foods that contain antioxidants can also help to relieve arthritis. Antioxidants include vitamin C, carotenes and bioflavonoids. They protect the body from the effects of cell-damaging free radicals and work against inflammation.

The best way to get antioxidants into your body is to consume vitamin C, which can be found in many fruits and vegetables including guava, pineapples, papayas, lemons (in water), broccoli, kale, potatoes and brussels sprouts. Beta-carotene, another antioxidant, can be found in vegetables like carrots, kale, turnip greens, pumpkins and spinach.

Besides antioxidants, you need vitamin D. Both sunlight (which the body needs so it can produce vitamin D) and supplementing with vitamin D have been shown to help with arthritis. The spice turmeric also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to have preventative and pain-reducing benefits.
If you want a pain-free life and want to reduce the impact of arthritis, eat a good diet of fruits and vegetables.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Arthritis and Good Nutrition

Arthritis can be helped—if not prevented. It all starts with learning what is good to eat and what to avoid. We’ve already discussed avoiding pro-inflammatory foods. It makes sense then, that what you need to eat is anti-inflammatory foods.

You can start with omega-3 fatty acids. These are the healthiest fats for people with arthritis to eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils, which have a lubricating and anti-inflammatory effect and have been shown to reduce or eliminate pain. The next oil option is extra-virgin olive oil, which contains a natural compound called olecanthal. This compound has been known to prevent arthritic conditions from developing.  

Foods that contain antioxidants can also help to relieve arthritis. Antioxidants include vitamin C, carotenes and bioflavonoids. They protect the body from the effects of cell-damaging free radicals and work against inflammation.

The best way to get antioxidants into your body is to consume vitamin C, which can be found in many fruits and vegetables including guava, pineapples, papayas, lemons (in water), broccoli, kale, potatoes and brussels sprouts. Beta-carotene, another antioxidant, can be found in vegetables like carrots, kale, turnip greens, pumpkins and spinach.
Besides antioxidants, you need vitamin D. Both sunlight (which the body needs so it can produce vitamin D) and supplementing with vitamin D have been shown to help with arthritis. The spice turmeric also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to have preventative and pain-reducing benefits.
If you want a pain-free life and want to reduce the impact of arthritis, eat a good diet of fruits and vegetables.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Monday, 6 May 2013

Arthritis and Good Nutrition

Arthritis can be helped—if not prevented. It all starts with learning what is good to eat and what to avoid. We’ve already discussed avoiding pro-inflammatory foods. It makes sense then, that what you need to eat is anti-inflammatory foods.

You can start with omega-3 fatty acids. These are the healthiest fats for people with arthritis to eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils, which have a lubricating and anti-inflammatory effect and have been shown to reduce or eliminate pain. The next oil option is extra-virgin olive oil, which contains a natural compound called olecanthal. This compound has been known to prevent arthritic conditions from developing.  

Foods that contain antioxidants can also help to relieve arthritis. Antioxidants include vitamin C, carotenes and bioflavonoids. They protect the body from the effects of cell-damaging free radicals and work against inflammation.

The best way to get antioxidants into your body is to consume vitamin C, which can be found in many fruits and vegetables including guava, pineapples, papayas, lemons (in water), broccoli, kale, potatoes and brussels sprouts. Beta-carotene, another antioxidant, can be found in vegetables like carrots, kale, turnip greens, pumpkins and spinach.

Besides antioxidants, you need vitamin D. Both sunlight (which the body needs so it can produce vitamin D) and supplementing with vitamin D have been shown to help with arthritis. The spice turmeric also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to have preventative and pain-reducing benefits.
If you want a pain-free life and want to reduce the impact of arthritis, eat a good diet of fruits and vegetables.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Arthritis and Good Nutrition

Arthritis can be helped—if not prevented. It all starts with learning what is good to eat and what to avoid. We've already discussed avoiding pro-inflammatory foods. It makes sense then, that what you need to eat is anti-inflammatory foods.

You can start with omega-3 fatty acids. These are the healthiest fats for people with arthritis to eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oils, which have a lubricating and anti-inflammatory effect and have been shown to reduce or eliminate pain. The next oil option is extra-virgin olive oil, which contains a natural compound called olecanthal. This compound has been known to prevent arthritic conditions from developing.  

Foods that contain antioxidants can also help to relieve arthritis. Antioxidants include vitamin C, carotenes and bioflavonoids. They protect the body from the effects of cell-damaging free radicals and work against inflammation.

The best way to get antioxidants into your body is to consume vitamin C, which can be found in many fruits and vegetables including guava, pineapples, papayas, lemons (in water), broccoli, kale, potatoes and brussels sprouts. Beta-carotene, another antioxidant, can be found in vegetables like carrots, kale, turnip greens, pumpkins and spinach.

Besides antioxidants, you need vitamin D. Both sunlight (which the body needs so it can produce vitamin D) and supplementing with vitamin D have been shown to help with arthritis. The spice turmeric also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and has been shown to have preventative and pain-reducing benefits.
If you want a pain-free life and want to reduce the impact of arthritis, eat a good diet of fruits and vegetables.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Arthritis and Bad Nutrition

Do you know that a healthy eating plan can reduce (dramatically) your arthritic symptoms? You may think it’s not possible, as you may have suffered from arthritis for years—but it’s true! All it takes is the knowledge of what to do to change your diet in a way that helps your arthritis.

According to the National Institute of Health, arthritis affects one in five people. The majority of these people don’t realise how nutrition plays a big part in the development or treatment of arthritis. Keep in mind that arthritis is an inflammatory condition. If you focus on a diet that helps to reduce inflammation, you can positively affect your arthritis. So, to help your arthritis you need to eat foods that work against inflammation, not help create it.

The first consideration is the amount of food you consume. To start your diet, you need to avoid eating too much. If you consume more calories than you need, you are in danger of gaining weight. Gaining weight puts stress on the body, especially the joints.

The second consideration is your food selection. Let’s start with what foods you should avoid.
To start with, avoid fast food, junk food and confectionary. High sugar content, as well as highly processed and refined foods are pro-inflammatory and aggravate arthritis.

Avoid saturated fats. Saturated fats cause tissue inflammation. The fats to stay away from are  animal products like beef or pork. You should also avoid the skin of chicken or turkey.

Other foods to avoid are those that contain palm oil and palm kernel oil. Foods that contain these oils can include biscuits, snack bars, non-dairy creamers and packaged goods.

Also avoid trans fat. Trans fat was artificially created in a lab to give baked goods a longer shelf life. Since trans fat is artificial, the body can’t do anything with it, so stores it as fat.

Other foods to stay away from are simple and refined carbs, like processed sugar, white flour, white rice, bread and crackers.

If you stay away from bad nutrition, your body will like you and you’ll find your arthritis will be better for it too!

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Soluiton

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Are You Ready For Change? Then You're Ready For The Arthritis Solution Book?

Check out the YouTube video on The Arthritis Solution at:

Grab a copy of this life changing book at:

Arthritis and Chiropractic

When the pain of arthritis sets in, you want relief fast. Medication and topical remedies help, but often only provide temporary relief in the early stages of application. At some point, you’ll need to consider addressing the cause.

With chiropractic, the care you receive focuses on the cause; nerve interference and diminished healing activity within your body. A chiropractic adjustment, both to the spine and peripheral joints, has been proven to restore joint mobility and function, alleviate pain and swelling, and enhance mood and mental function. It also relieves muscle aches and spasms that can contribute to arthritic pain.

At times, chiropractors will recommend you use supportive devices such as shoe inserts, splints, braces or other devices to help ease the weight on specific joints that are causing arthritic pain or to correct mechanical issues. They also recommend lifestyle change, including exercise and diet. These are all part of a complete treatment regime and should be incorporated into your healthcare program.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Solution

Friday, 26 April 2013

Arthritis and Topical Remedies

There are many support remedies on the market for arthritis. You can take certain supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin, and then there are remedies such as avocado soybean unsaponifiables (ASU). This supplement is made from avocado and soybean oils. Other supplements that have been used to help with arthritis include rose hips, ginger and fish oil. All of these supplements have been used at one time or another by arthritis sufferers and been effective for them.

Besides supplements, you may want to look into other kinds of remedies, like topical rubs and creams. 

Many health food stores and practitioners have remedies such as:
·         OzHealth Arthritis Cream (which includes glucosamine, chondroitin, camphor and peppermint)
·         PainAway Arthritis Cream
·         Elmore Oil

These have all been shown to reduce the pain of arthritis and are now well supported by research. In fact, OzHealth Arthritis Cream has received nationwide press in Australia for its effectiveness and conclusive research.

You can try any or all of the remedies mentioned in this blog post, as they appear to have no side effects. It really depends on the type of arthritic pain you have and how you personally respond to each product. So, try each topical remedy, one at a time, to see what works. When you find one that works, stick with it. Use the complete tube, applying the cream three times per day, before discontinuing your trial.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Arthritis and Glucosamine and Chondroitin

According to scientific evidence, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate work to alleviate pain caused by arthritis. Glucosamine sulfate records the best results in studies and may represent the best choice for supplement takers.

Why use glucosamine? Based on tests done, it has been discovered that glucosamine stimulates production of cartilage-building proteins. What about chondroitin? This chemical has been shown in testing to inhibit production of cartilage-destroying enzymes and fight inflammation.

Before going forward, let’s look at what glucosamine and chondroitin are. Glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate are common components found in normal cartilage. These two chemicals work together to stimulate the body to make cartilage and repair tissue.

Since glucosamine and chondroitin are produced naturally by the body to create cartilage, it stands to reason that they can be beneficial to those with arthritis. Taking these substances as  supplements has been demonstrated to reduce or alleviate arthritic pain. 

So, if you suffer from arthritic pain, these supplements may be worth a try.

I have two recommendations with this.

  1. The supplements need to be taken consistently, for an extended period (not just for a few weeks, missing days). Take the remedy two or three times daily (depending on the concentration and source of the ingredients) for three months before making any decision.
  2. Take a practitioner-only brand as chemist, pharmacy and retail store brands are often of a lesser quality and concentration and do not necessarily provide the same results.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The Obsolete Theory - Peter F. Drucker

Wow, I am blown away by an article I just read from Peter F. Drucker, considered by many the foremost mind on business management of the last 100 years. The article was titled "The Obsolete Theory," emphasising you cannot rejuvenate an obsolete theory of business, one that is no longer applicable, not even through miracle workers.

This is not what moved me. it was the subtitle to his article, which read, "a degenerative disease will not be cured by procrastination, It requires decisive action."

Wow. What a powerful truth and deep insight. He was, of course, referencing a degenerative business philosophy when using this analogy. But it is equally true as it applies to degenerative disease or arthritis.

Many people want the medication or surgery to cure them of arthritis. It can't. It won't. It doesn't. Inactivity never will. Only decisive action can.

And that's exactly what I have been saying to clients for over a decade. Take action with your arthritis, do what works to create the healing that is possible... then you don't need the miracle workers... you become one.

And that's what we teach you in the Arthritis Solution. Check out the program at:

I look forward to seeing you there.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute

Monday, 15 April 2013

Arthritis and Acupuncture

If you are suffering from arthritis, you may find that acupuncture can help. Many people have had acupuncture treatments and felt relief from pain and limitation. In fact, several studies have been done that prove acupuncture does help with pain.

Just what is acupuncture and how does it work? Chinese doctors hold the belief that when someone develops illness in their body, it is as a result of the body's ‘energy flow’ being out of balance. When acupuncture is performed, disposable, stainless steel needles are used to stimulate the body's 14 major meridians through which the body energy flows. The needles work by increasing the release of chemicals that block pain, called endorphins. Energetically, the needles release stagnant energy. Physiologically they act to stimulate nerves to create a healing response.

The physiological impact is important if you’re focused on pain relief. When the nerves are stimulated through acupuncture, the nerve signal reaches the brain. The brain then signals endorphins to be released. Endorphins are morphine-like chemicals the body produces during times of pain or stress to lower or block pain. Once these endorphins are released, along with other neurotransmitters (body chemicals that modify nerve impulses), they block the message of pain to the area affected. This can result in a person feeling less pain.

What happens in an acupuncture treatment? The acupuncturist will swab each point of the body where needles are to be placed with an alcohol swab. They will then gently tap a needle into each site. This is usually painless or like a very light pin prick. The number of needles used will depend on the area being treated and the severity of pain. The length of time that the needles are left in the skin after being inserted varies and can range from several minutes to an hour. Oftentimes the acupuncturist will energise the needles electrically, or warm the needles.  

Acupuncture has been known to be successful in treating arthritis. It has helped many people. If you or someone you love has arthritis, try it. If it works, continue treatments.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute

PS Here’s some basics on research:

Rheumatoid arthritis
A recent study from China shows that both traditional acupuncture and electroacupuncture—a type in which pulsating electrical currents are sent through the needles to stimulate target areas—may reduce tenderness. All 36 participants had a standardised treatment, whether they received traditional acupuncture or electroacupuncture. During a total of 20 sessions throughout a 10 week period, needles were placed at a depth of about 10 to 20 millimetres and left in place for 30 minutes.

In a German study, 304,674 people with knee osteoarthritis who received 15 sessions of acupuncture, combined with their usual medical care, had less pain and stiffness, improved function and better quality of life than their counterparts who had routine care alone. The improvements occurred immediately after completing a three month course of acupuncture and lasted for at least another three months, indicating osteoarthritis is among conditions that can be successfully treated with acupuncture.


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Arthritis and Exercise

One great way to help prevent, reduce and eliminate arthritic pain is by being physically active—by exercising! People with arthritis need to remain active and mobile. Walking every day is a great start. Swimming is also a great option as it uses all of the muscles of the body and is non-weight bearing.

Why exercise? It moves the joints. Gentle mobility flushes inflammation from the joints and maintains the body in an active state. Without movement, the body will stiffen up and the inflammation will act like a glue and begin to further limit joint movement.

When it hurts to move, some people might feel that exercising could make their problem worse. In truth, moderate exercise will help your condition by preventing further deterioration and restriction.

If you are unsure what exercise program you should be doing, ask your wellness practitioner. However, as a starting point, consider exercises like walking, swimming or bike riding, if you are able. You should also work with weights or do some other strengthening exercise. Exercise that strengthens the area surrounding the joints will help to stabilise and support them. Strong muscles around the joints will also prevent joint injury.

It is important to get the body moving and keep it moving. Allowing yourself to become less mobile and active will result in your joints becoming more tight and restricted and this is not going to help your arthritis.
Regular exercise has other benefits as well. It helps you lose weight. If you are presently over your ideal weight you should be incorporating exercise into your daily lifestyle routine.

Why live with the pain of arthritis? Exercise today and feel better. You'll be glad you did.

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Arthritis and Weight Loss

An important part of preventing, reducing and eliminating arthritic pain is maintaining (or returning to) a healthy weight for your height.

If you are carrying extra weight right now, you should consider losing the excess. Losing weight takes pressure and load off the joints, helping to lessen your arthritic pain while also being beneficial for your whole body. You will be lighter, have more energy and less aches, and will reduce the stress on your body.

Start your weight loss plan today and within a few weeks you will begin to feel changes in yourself. Stop eating junk foods and fatty foods. Eat lean foods and avoid those that can cause you to gain weight. Your diet should primarily consist of fresh fruits and vegetables (more on diet later). Consider consuming nuts and seeds as a snack instead of less healthy alternatives like ice cream and potato chips. Drink plenty of water and stay away from soft drinks, alcohol and caffeine.

The bottom line is to eat well and avoid junk foods, fatty foods and anything else that can raise your calorie intake. And exercise regularly (more on that later too).

Dr Marcus Chacos
Chiropractor and Founder of the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute

What is the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute?

Founded by chiropractor and wellness expert Dr Marcus Chacos, the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute (NTAI) is an education body dedicated to bringing awareness to the community about arthritis and the natural treatments available to help prevent, reduce and alleviate arthritic pain and suffering.

For more information, our website is:

If you want to learn how to recognise the symptoms of arthritis, click here:

If you want to understand more about arthritis pain, click here:

If you want easy-to-apply tools for arthritis relief, click here:

Friday, 15 March 2013

The Arthritis Solution

Suffering from arthritis often means pain, limited mobility and significant interference to a person’s quality of life. Arthritis can inhibit you from performing normal daily activities. It can make doing even the most basic of tasks an epic job. It can also put you in a despairing mental and emotional state. It doesn't have to be this way. There are ways to help reduce your suffering and to enhance your quality of life.

As I continue this series of blogs I am going to provide you with a toolkit of anti-arthritic self-help techniques designed to prevent, reduce and eliminate the pain of arthritis. My approach is simple enough: apply 100 per cent natural self-help techniques, treatments and lifestyle change approaches—and initiate your own healing.
You see, the body can and does heal. The pain of arthritis can be reduced, if not eliminated. Your quality of life can be enhanced, if not completely restored.

So, stay tuned in and read on. The solution you have been looking for may be in the pages that follow.

Dr Marcus Chacos, Chiropractor
Founder, the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Solution

PS Remember, I’ll be constantly adding to this blog, building your knowledge base, and adding to your toolkit, so check back regularly.

PPS Please, to help others with arthritis and to get this message out there, it would help if you would like this page. Also, feel free to comment. 

Friday, 8 March 2013

Healing Your Arthritis Podcast Series

The Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute is proud to present our podcast series on Healing Your Arthritis. This series of seminars will show you you can make powerful and positive changes in your health and quality of life... instead of needlessly suffering with arthritis.

Dr Chacos introduces the series in this brief podcast:

Thursday, 7 March 2013

What is Arthritis?

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is derived from the Greek words arthron, which means joint, and itis, which means inflammation. Thus, arthritis is an inflammatory joint condition resulting in pain and restricted movement and function. It is a condition that affects the spine and joints with breakdown and wear, as well as affecting the muscles with inflammation and soreness. The result is pain, swelling and reduced mobility.

In Australia, more than 4 million people suffer from arthritis. It is estimated that over 350 million people suffer worldwide. It is a condition that does not discriminate. Men, women and children of all races can develop the many forms of arthritis. It can affect any joint of the body, from the feet to the knees, the spine, shoulders and hands, and in certain forms of arthritis, the heart, lungs or other vital organs can be affected as well. The symptoms range from mild aches and stiffness to crippling, chronic pain and an inability to move, making arthritis not only epidemic but devastating for many people in its impact on their health and quality of life.
The study of arthritis reveals an interesting fact: arthritis incorporates over 100 health issues, from joint stiffness and swelling to blood chemistry changes and tissue breakdown. While the most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (bony degeneration and wear), arthritis presents in many forms, including rheumatoid arthritis (an auto-immune condition where the body attacks itself and breaks down the body), gout (a build-up of acid that inflames the body) and ankylosing spondylitis (progressive fusion of the ligaments of the spine).

Any part of the body that is inflamed can become arthritic and arthritis itself can produce many symptoms outside joint pain and restricted movement. Unchecked, arthritis can result in damage to organs of the body, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels and skin. 

Dr Marcus Chacos, Chiropractor
Founder, the Natural Treatment of Arthritis Institute
Author of The Arthritis Solution